Sunday, 27 May 2012

IF- Faded

HRM knows how not to fade. 
Dear Visitors, welcome once again.
 The bunting is going up all around the country and we are getting ready for a right royal knees up. 
So with Her Majesty in mind I did a little illustration of her relaxing in bath, she toasts to herself and shows us how a multi tasking Grandmother stops herself from fading.

Congratulations Ma'am, Happy Diamond Jubilee x 

Friday, 18 May 2012

IF- Sight

Lewis had the pterodactyl in sight.

Another Friday and don't you just love it when you have the perfect illustration that you can post.

I created this painting for my friends son Lewis. He loves dinosaurs so I thought as a gift for his first communion I would do this illustration for him. I hope he likes it as much as I do.

Thanks for stopping by, Love and art to you all. x x x x

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

IF- Hitch

The mother and daughter birthday shopping trip went without a hitch.

As I've gone about my doodling I'm thrilled by all the people who have been asking me for family portraits. So this is how it goes, you send me your pictures and I will turn you into a costume or Children's book Illustration.

It's been so lovely to go back to my art college roots.  I'm desperate to get up into the loft to find my costume degree portfolio!!!!!

Toodle Doodle for now x x x