Monday, 1 July 2013


Just a quick update seeing as though I've got a lot of work to get on with before I once again head off on the school run to pick up the little darlings. For regular updates go to my facebook page. Live, Love & Doodle.  My world is so hectic it's much easier to update my comings and goings from my phone. Go on pay me a little visit and 'LIKE'. My worlds a happy one x x x 

Now that the studio is all set up I am looking to build a new website. I'm taking a deep breath and preparing myself for a lot of all nighters. A tough job to do when the little ones depend on you the next day. I do often wish that I had a normal husband, with a normal job that saw him home of an evening. But that would not have then been my boy. He dreamt of making movies and there he is now living that dream. Together the girls and I will hold the fort until he returns and when he does we will glow with happiness of being a Whole once again. 

Have a wonderful week. Love to you all x x x

Monday, 3 June 2013


Don't you just love the word sweet?  It says it all for me. I can taste it, feel it and smell it. This week I'm submitting this illustration for IF. It was a Christmas commission for a film loving Grandmother who loves no better those sweet moments when she gets to take all her grandchildren to the cinema.
We all have those special places. There is nothing better than being with the ones that we love and sharing moments of togetherness. Whether it's over a cup of tea and a biscuit, a trip to the shopping centre, a walk in the country or simply snuggled up on the sofa enjoying the peace and a small get away from life and all its problems.

This week has me working on a few projects. I have a few photoshop projects to get on with, character designing and the writing of my book. Half term had me away from the drawing board so it felt good this morning to sit by my in tray and sort out my work load. 

I hope you all have a good week. I am going to leave you with two illustrations that I did as birthday gifts last month.

Lots of love to you all. Maybe see you all again with another doodle if I get the chance x

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

'Washed Out'

Inspired by a wet Bank Holiday Monday. I scribbled this whilst wrapped up in a duvet in my living room.  Yesterday my family and I attended The Eistedfodd Yr Urdd in Pembrokshire. If you aren't aware of this cultural festival that takes place every year in Wales  you haven't lived. It is an amazing event that sees children and young people performing their hearts out in various competitions. From Singing, dancing, recital, drama and much much more. From February schools, groups and individuals work on their performances with the dream of making it to stage and winning.
Again my daughter competed in the solo singing. Again like many, many others she didn't make it to stage but she sang so well and we are so proud.

I'm off to London today to see my family and breath in some of that hubbub which regenerates my batteries and so often helps me with ideas when the creative pool is running a dry.

Good bye for now internetlings. I know this is a very short sweet post but I feel this is at least is better than posting nothing. All my love and art to you all x x x

Friday, 24 May 2013

Tension- 'The moment we behave as childish as they are'

Hello my dear visitors. How perfect that Illustration Fridays topic is 'Tension' this week because there has been an awful lot of it about. My youngest daughter who has started full time nursery in her new school is coming home exhausted and with it having terrible temper tantrums. They have been pretty hard to deal with and this doodle is the result of the relaxing process that comes after a full on stand off.
La La saw this illustration on my desk the next morning after our fight. She picked it up and tried to hide it in my portfolio. It is safe to say that this piece struck a chord with her and believe it or not since seeing my feelings painted for the world to see she has been behaving!!!!!! 

Its been a really good week creatively. I finished off another private commission. I promise to publish pictures as soon as the birthday girl in question receives her gift. In the meantime I 'm posting another commission of some very loved dogs and their Steam Punk loving owners. This was a fun little illustration to do.

Right off I pop to make Friday Night Dinner. Huge Big Hugs to you all x x x 

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

My Topsy Turvy World!

Dear, dear fellow navigators . I can only apologise for my absence. It has been so long since I last blogged but you see doodlers my world since the 28th of December has been turned UPSIDE DOWN.
It's a long story that began with curiosity, a new development of houses and a dream of moving away from London to Wales. 
During the Christmas break we a took a trip across the border to see family. Whilst there we spotted a tidy little development of new houses. Curiosity took us up its street on a cold, wet dark blustery afternoon. There we found our home and the reservation deposit was put down. 2013 began and the countdown to this life changing move began. 
We have been just a month in our new home and we are slowly settling into our new life. 
I am proud to report that Live, Love & Doodle now has its own space for me to work from. Long gone are the days of doodling at the kitchen table or free corners safe from sticky little fingers. 

I have been doodling and have so much to post. Including exciting news about my first published book cover. The commissions are still coming in and I am getting back into the swing of Living, Loving & Doodling. I promise to post more soon. In the meantime especially for you some sketch pad doodles of our crazy world x x x x

All my love to you all.