Dear Visitors, well I posted this in a hurry and am re-posting again for shiny!
Sorry to be boring but I did post this very late in the week last week so I will give my daughters 5 min piece of fame another week on IF.
Sorry to be boring but I did post this very late in the week last week so I will give my daughters 5 min piece of fame another week on IF.
We have just returned from The Urdd National Eistedfodd which is one of Europes's largest cultural youth festivals, it attracts thousands of competitors and visitors every year. This year I was very proud to be supporting my daughter and the other children from the Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain who competed in the various musical and recital competitions. It is a chance for all children to shine in the spotlight, whether they make it to stage or not.
Llongyfarchiadau to all the winners and to all the losers.
Cariad mawr Iawn, Elena x
Singing her heart out in the cute green uniform and kneesocks! But seriously, Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain? Llongyfarchiadau? Yikes! Welsh is strange and darn cool.