I can't believe it has been a whole year since I last posted. *What a year it has been*
Book covers have been illustrated and sold
Fights have been had
Anxiety has followed
And thankfully Mindfulness restored
If I could have one of those film montages you would have see a woman at the brink, saved, enlightened and once again on track and heading for triumph. Hurray I hear you say!!!
So like countless other mothers I find myself at the end of another summer holiday. *Looks at watch counts the hours, seconds and minutes* I think it's the smell of all the new school stationary in the air. The sharp pencils and empty notebooks ready to be filled with ideas. New beginnings. Everything is possible.
It's great to be back and I look forward to sharing my news with you. Here's to all who live and work hard for the dream xx
Be kind to yourselves, It's best feeling in the world x x x x x x
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