Thursday, 29 March 2012

Illustration Friday- Swamped

Dear Visitors, Thanks for dropping by x 

It's birthday season and with it I am swamped with ideas for special cards. Here are two examples. The first is one of my best friends Marcelle, I couldn't resist turning her into a fashion illustration. She loves to shop and I can assure you all that she is always the most glamorous on the school run. The second is my dear friend Elissa. She is very special to me, she is a wonderful person who is an extremely talented artist. In May she will give both to her first child so I wanted to show her relaxing with a cup of tea and her cat Gary.
I love doing these pieces of art. They come from my heart with all my love. x

1 comment:

  1. First, I have to say: Hahaha! A cat named Gary. That just cracked me up. I think I recognize those shoes and stockings! (I just checked, it was your last post! Wooo, I remembered something! Usually I forget things.)

    These are really great. Love the patterns and colors, same as always. Nice job on two very different styles.
