Friday, 9 March 2012

Work in progress- 'Electric Dreams'

Hello surfers;

It's been a tough week finding time to do any art. But I've managed to find a few spare moments.

Inspired in the car one morning whilst on the hectic school run the radio played the song "Electric Dreams".  It got me thinking about all my family members who are no longer with us and I came up with this graphite sketch. In it are my Grandparents, Great Uncle, my magical Auntie Flora and my adorable Mother-in-law. 

I haven't gone out of my way to make them resemblance perfect but I have added the details that I will always remember them clearly for. The way my Spanish Abuela Chiquitina would elegantly smoke a cigarette, my Abuelo Chiquitin holding the newspaper kite that he made us. My Nanna who always had the most welcoming smile and her handbag close by, Auntie Flora our neighbour who taught me that you don't have to share the same name, genes or blood to be able to love somebody unconditionally. She was the last of the few remaining flappers she adored a party and everybody loved her including our cat Jerry who she has on her lap. Sitting next to Florie is the best Mother-in-law a girl could have asked for. Elisabeth Reynolds loved a cup of tea a slice of cake and finally my Great Uncle a.k.a Abuelo Grande. As a kid I will always remember him living here in Britain, with a wireless in hand he would carefully tune it trying to pick up Spanish Radio and the football results.

The next step is to transfer the rough on to decent water-colour paper and then add all the bright patterns and colours that I love so much.   

Love & Art to you all

Elena x