Saturday, 28 April 2012

Illustration Friday- Jump

Dear all;

Well here I am again after an emotional roller coaster of a week and relieved that Illustration Fridays topic for the week tie in with an illustration that I recently completed for a teaching course.
With my official return to work after Maternity leave this week I have typically had to deal with my daughter being sick in the middle of the night on Tuesday and my Granddad in hospital who is slowly leaving us to be back in the arms with my nanny the love of his life. I am going to miss him so much but I know that where he is going he will find eternal happiness and most of all no physical pain.

My relief is that as my own boss I haven't had to call into the office on my first week back and ask for time off!!!!! *puts thumb on nose, wiggles fingers and sticks out tongue* at bad luck.

Thank you for stopping by.

Love & Art to you all x x x x

1 comment:

  1. What a great take othe topic! Your posts and art are always so heartfelt and full of positive emotion. Thank you!
