Saturday, 14 April 2012

Illustration Friday- Puzzled

Mimi was puzzled why her friends didn't like school as much as she did?

Dear all, well here I am with very,very exciting news. Live,Love and Doodle is starting to get commissions. The amazing power of the internet. It is such an amazing feeling to share your art and to enjoy your job. I get a bigger thrill from sitting at my easel producing these doodles than I thought possible. In the past I have had the opportunity to work on incredible movies and dress actors who are the glitterati but now that I am being contacted to produce art I  feel that I have finally arrived.
So last night with the cogs turning I took myself to bed to consult my pillow on the projects that lay ahead of me when all of a sudden I shiver at the thought of my daughter in bed without her favourite toy. I got up instantly and went to her room and there in her arms was her pink rabbit Mimi. Again I return to my bed and start to fall asleep when out of nowhere the image of this picture comes into my mind. Mimi my 3rd daughter. What would she be like if she was real?
It was one of those moments, I turned the light on grabbed my sketch pad from under my bed and doodled.

I hope you are all well. Thanks for stopping by.

Love to you all x x x


  1. Cute illustration! Congrats on the commissions, that's always exciting!

  2. Congratulations! And I just love Mimi's detailed and wildly colorful outfit!
